Meet our people

Connor Lloyd

Former soldier Connor Lloyd has joined the North West's gas emergency service as an Emergency Response Apprentice.


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Nathan Walters

Dad of one and rapper Nathan Walters has joined as an Emergency Response Apprentice.



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Wasim Ahmed

Wasim Ahmed, at 35 years old with a degree in Business, began his Apprenticeship journey with us as an Emergency Response Apprentice - proving that it's never too late to pursue your passion. 

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Sophie Turnbull

Breaking stereotypes and empowering women in operational roles, Sophie has joined us as a Customer Operations Future Engineer.


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Steph Rodriguez

Steph has gone from looking after children to helping look after a gas network. Fast forward five years and she is now one of our lead Energy Operations engineers.                                                                 

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Eimante Kaite

Meet Eimante. Injury sidelined her football career, but kicked off her new journey as a Cadent engineer.


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Freya Matthews & Jess Turner

Meet Freya and Jess – who became friends while studying at college in Lancashire and are now building exciting careers as engineers at Cadent.


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Veronica Kandekore

After 14 years working in retail and while on maternity leave, Veronica took a leap of faith and started a journey that took her to Cadent.                                                                                                               

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Jess Jarvis

As a former makeup artist turned engineering manager, I have the privilege of overseeing operations that ensure the safety and comfort of over 11 million people daily.                                             

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