Freya and Jess' Journey
Meet Freya and Jess – who became friends while studying at college in Lancashire and are now building exciting careers as engineers here at Cadent.
This International Women in Engineering Day (June 23rd) we’re celebrating fantastic engineers here at Cadent. Engineers like Freya Matthews and Jess Turner, in our North West Network.
Freya and Jess secured two of 14 places on our Engineering Training Programme, for which hundreds applied. They recently graduated, after two years of on-the-job and classroom-based study.
Today, they are key members of our team keeping millions of people warm in their homes.
Jess is an Engineering Assistant, supporting our mains replacement programme, and Freya is a Pipeline Engineer, part of a team which inspects and maintains high pressure pipelines.
Both are keen to encourage more women to consider engineering as a career option – and they often pop back into Runshaw College to talk to students about it. The photo here is from one of the careers events they attended there.
Cadent’s future talent programme offers a range of tailored training programmes and apprenticeships for anyone looking to start their engineering career.