Wasim's Story

Embarking on a journey of skill mastery and professional growth, apprenticeships stand as a beacon for aspiring individuals seeking hands-on experience. In the dynamic landscape of today's workforce, apprenticeships bridge the gap between theory and practice, providing a unique avenue for learning while earning and that is why we at Cadent consider them so important.

Wasim Ahmed is at the very beginning of his Cadent Apprenticeship but at the age of 35 with a degree in Business from the University of East London, he knows that he’s made the right choice in joining the scheme and is loving it so far.

“I won’t lie,” says Wasim on a rather chilly Friday afternoon in the East of England, “In the first couple of weeks, I was wondering whether I had made the right decision, but as time has gone on and I’ve learnt more and more about the business and the industry, I really have done the right thing.”

Following his graduation, Wasim spent five years working in retail before spending the last four years in corporate security.

“I enjoyed doing what I was doing but wanted something more than just a job. My partner was aware that I wanted to pursue engineering and was very supportive. Coming across the Cadent apprenticeship was amazing as it really felt like a great opportunity for me.

“There was an initial hesitation as at 35 years old I have responsibilities, but we spoke about it and agreed that this was the best thing for my career.”

Wasim started his apprenticeship at the end of 2023, and it’s been quite a journey as he balanced classroom learning with on-the-job training.

“I’m a confident person but the first couple of weeks were tough but that quickly passed, and I am really enjoying myself here at Cadent. The training has been brilliant and I’m learning so much. This opportunity has brightened my work life, and I am eager to succeed.

“We are currently out and about with other engineers shadowing them as they work and having the chance to ask questions and get involved. I’m sure it is probably a bit annoying for them having us asking them a lot of questions, but they don’t show it at all and are always supportive and willing to answer any questions we may have.

“I have really enjoyed the practical side of the job. Learning about how to use the equipment, the different meters, and tools we use daily is so fascinating.

“I also enjoy the customer service part of the job as well. I am a people person and care a lot about delivering excellent customer service. It makes my day to make others happy.”

So, what advice would Wasim have for anybody else his age who may have reservations about taking up an apprenticeship?

“Just be open-minded and go for it. It can be daunting making such a decision, but I have no regrets whatsoever, and I’m excited about the next chapter of my career at Cadent.”